Unmatched quality makes Simpson & Simpson your solution for all your paving needs!
Unmatched quality makes Simpson & Simpson your solution for all your paving needs!
Your private driveway or community road is something that you drive on or see on a daily basis. If it is currently dirt, gravel, or just full of pot holes and you have had enough of dust and mud, we can help.
If your private driveway is cracked, rough, muddy in the winter, dusty in the summer, or you need to mow the weeds weekly, we can help.
The last thing you want to do is spend your hard earned cash on improving your driveway. But if asphalt is too expensive, there are alternatives that can be more affordable. In some cases just getting the drainage right and installing compacted baserock can be a less expensive way to improve your dirt driveway, without breaking the bank.
We can install a baserock driveway in such a way that years down the road you may only need a touch up of baserock to be ready for asphalt. Existing older asphalt or chipseal driveways can crack, develop pot holes, or just plain wear out. The more worn they get, the more costly it becomes to repair them.
Preventative maintenance procedures like crack filling, patching, and seal coating can be inexpensive now but far more costly if neglected. Click here to see more about this on our Maintenance page
We offer creative design and functionality. We can create a design to fit your budget and unique property configuration.
Need more details on what is involved in the paving process? See our Paving 101 section
Many private community roads are allowed to deteriorate over time, getting rougher and dirtier year after year. The longer this goes on, the more costly it becomes to repair.
We understand how hard it is to get all your neighbors or property owners on the same page when it comes to upgrading or even maintaining your community road.
We can meet with you, evaluate everything from minimum repairs such as patching and ditch cleaning to full street reconstruction or resurfacing and provide multiple options and prices that can be tailored to fit your budget.
In many cases a chipseal overlay (done correctly) on top of your older asphalt or existing chipseal can provide a new wear surface that will seal the cracks and last years for a fraction of the cost of an asphalt overlay.
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